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Monday, November 19, 2007

1 Sync (UCCNET) offering in Oracle AS B2B

1 Sync is a means of Data synchronization i.e product and company data between Trading Partners. This is predominently used in retail Industry and there is an adaption from retail giants such as Walmart, Home Depot etc.

Synchronization involves electronic transfer of product and location information with the continuous synchronization of that data over time. 1Sync is a subsidiary of GS-1 (Formally the Uniform Code Council) Was formed by through the combination
of Transora and UCCnet and is a Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) certified data pool.

Benifits of 1 Sync

# A single point of truth.
# The data is represented with the same semantics
# It Enables Item Management, Price & Promotion Management, Item Introduction, Retail customization
# Provides internet based Suppliy chain management data registry service.

How does it work

Load Data : The Seller registers product and company information in its data pool

Register Data : A subset of the Seller’s information is sent to the GS1 Global RegistryTM

Subscription Request : The Buyer via its data pool subscribes to a product category and/or manufacturer to receive the information.The GS1 Global RegistryTM locates the data pool that contains the information.

Publish Data : The Seller’s data pool publishes the complete item and party to the Buyer’s data pool

Recipient Confirmation
The Buyer sends a confirmation to the Seller from the buyer’s data pool to the Seller’s data pool

Oracle AS B2B Support

Oracle AS B2B supports 1 - sync through its Custom Document protocol offering and is typically used with AS2 Exchange.

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