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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why big corporate using B2B service instead of doing themselves?

It is crucial for a company that able to trade with all its trading partners electronically.

Despites this, many businesses still receive business-critical information from their SME trading partners through fax, email or phone even though all these manual processes are slow, inefficient and error-prone.

I think these maybe some of the reasons why they not going to connect all their trading partner themselves.

  • Cost – software ownership cost, cost for software customization, software support/maintenance cost, infrastructure setup cost, technical staffing cost.
  • Speed – total time and effort spent to connect to all trading partners is slow.
  • Skillset and resource – require extra resource to track different project for various trading partner and also to support the trading partner.
  • Different protocol and data format – different data format and protocol used when connecting to various trading partners, eg: EDI, XML, RNIF AS2, HL7

Benefits of using B2B service:

  • Speed – speed up the implementation of a new trading relationship, as B2B service provider will help to build the electronic trading communities.
  • Cost savings – avoid costly software and customization, infrastructure and technical staff.
  • Control over a single source – document can be track and monitor over a single source and single data format and also single protocol.
  • Efficiency – free up the in-house resources to devote more time and effort to core business activities.

Monday, November 19, 2007

1 Sync (UCCNET) offering in Oracle AS B2B

1 Sync is a means of Data synchronization i.e product and company data between Trading Partners. This is predominently used in retail Industry and there is an adaption from retail giants such as Walmart, Home Depot etc.

Synchronization involves electronic transfer of product and location information with the continuous synchronization of that data over time. 1Sync is a subsidiary of GS-1 (Formally the Uniform Code Council) Was formed by through the combination
of Transora and UCCnet and is a Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) certified data pool.

Benifits of 1 Sync

# A single point of truth.
# The data is represented with the same semantics
# It Enables Item Management, Price & Promotion Management, Item Introduction, Retail customization
# Provides internet based Suppliy chain management data registry service.

How does it work

Load Data : The Seller registers product and company information in its data pool

Register Data : A subset of the Seller’s information is sent to the GS1 Global RegistryTM

Subscription Request : The Buyer via its data pool subscribes to a product category and/or manufacturer to receive the information.The GS1 Global RegistryTM locates the data pool that contains the information.

Publish Data : The Seller’s data pool publishes the complete item and party to the Buyer’s data pool

Recipient Confirmation
The Buyer sends a confirmation to the Seller from the buyer’s data pool to the Seller’s data pool

Oracle AS B2B Support

Oracle AS B2B supports 1 - sync through its Custom Document protocol offering and is typically used with AS2 Exchange.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Correlation in HL7 Document Plugin

Correlation in HL7 Document Plugin
Control Number is used to correlate between Busingess message and its Acknowledgement. Control Number can be either generated by B2B or by Back End application such as BPEL. You can delegate the Control Number generation to B2B byusing the macro #ControlNumber# for e.g


How Correlation works
MSH.10 of any business message contains a unique value (i.e. Control Number) that identifies a message. The receiving system sends this unique ID back to the sending system in the MSA.02 segment of ACK message. The sending application reads MSA.02 and correlates with business message.

B2BSP - B2B service Provider

B2B Commerce Sdn Bhd is a B2B service provider which we help our customer in daily document exchange process. Our customer can be SME or MNC which have different needs.

What we do daily is receive document from sender via either our client software or standard protocol like AS2 or RNIF and perform data translation or transformation, such as data mapping and transform csv file into EDI file using our in-house product, after all these translation and transformation. Then only send the document to receiver.

What is our value, we help SME to send document to their customer or receive document from their customer. Usually SMEs are not able to do it themselves, due to several problems like budget problem, expertise problem.

We are not only helping SME but also MNC, where they have to exchange document in different format and different protocol such as A want send to B via AS2 but B only receive via RNIF. We help MNC to reach to their level 2 or level 3 suppliers, which usually is not AS2 or RNIF enabled.

Here is a scenario of MNC-A send ORDERS to 1 of its SME supplier, MNC-A send us ORDERS via AS2 in EDI format, we received and transform the document from EDI into XML, then SME supplier logon to e-Supplier to view/print/acknowledge the ORDERS.

Another scenario of A send ORDERS to B send us ORDERS via our client software or AS2 in fixed-length format, we received and transform the document from fixed-length to EDI, then send to B via AS2, so B can import the ORDERS into their backend server, like Oracle EBS or SAP.

There are cases that A will upload the document via our web form and we will perform all the required steps before we send to another party.

How to Suppress Error In XEngine

It is possible to suppress any specific Error in XEngine by modifying the ErrorSeverityConfig.xml

E.g To supress the 5034 error add

<Criteria Name="ErrorID" Value="50340000"/>
<SetSeverity SeverityID="0"/>

to $ORACLE_HOME/ip/oem/edifecs/XEngine/config/ErrorSeverityConfig.xml

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Attachment feature in RosettaNet using Oracle AS B2B 10g

These steps help in sending Text as an attachment in RosettaNet.

1. Create an xml file, which follows the following dtd.

<!ENTITY % common-attributes "id CDATA #IMPLIED" >
<!ELEMENT B2BAttachment (Attachment*)>
<!ELEMENT Attachment (#PCDATA) >
Description CDATA #IMPLIED

2. Save the xml in UNIX FILE FORMAT. Here is the sample xml, which contains 2 attachments

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2005 sp1 U (>
<Attachment ID="213123" Type="text/plain" Encoding="none" Description="Description">Sample Text message

<Attachment ID="215123" Type="text/plain" Encoding="none" Description="Description">Sample Text message another
<Attachment ID="215123" Type="application/pdf" Encoding="base64" Description="Description" FileName="Form.pdf">file:///C:/Form.pdf

3. Edit the to provide the file name for the "attachment" attribute

4. Provide directory name in for the key "oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.AttachmentInboundDirectory" where the file will be stored in the inbound scenario.
5. Restart the server and enqueue the Message.
6. By Default oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.MimeType accepts only below types,

@ application/xml
@ application/octet-stream
@ application/EDIFACT
@ application/EDI-X12
@ application/jpg
@ image/jpeg
@ application/gzip
@ application/x-gzip
@ application/pkcs7-signature

If you want more options, Then you must modify in
$ORACLE_HOME/ip/config directory to include your MimeTypes also, For example,
You want to include pdf attachments, Then your would look like,

oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.MimeType=application/xml : application/octet-stream :
application/EDIFACT : application/EDI-X12 : application/jpg : image/jpeg :
application/gzip : application/x-gzip : application/pkcs7-signature :

Add a new content type such as application/pdf restart opmn and re-try testcase.

Oracle AS B2B Sizing Guidelines

Please find the B2B sizing questionaire in the following URL.

Please leave your sizing requirement in the Post comment section for us to suggest you appropriate sizing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trading Partner Identification in HL7 Domain

Trading Partner Identification in HL7 Domain

Trading Partners are identified by default based on the Exchange. For MLLP based Exchange it is MLLP ID which is used for Trading partner Identification and is possible to use IP Address (prefereble) or Host Name for the Idenfication.
For HL7 MLLP business Protocol, there is a Need to create MLLP ID as the Identification Type and use it as part of Agreement.

It is also possible to Identify the TP based on the payload attributes such as

a. Sending App MSH:3
b. Sending Facility MSH:4
c. Receiving App MSH:5
d. Receiving Facility MSH:6

Set the following property in

oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.hl7.identifyFromTP = SendingApp | SendingFacility | ReceivingApp | ReceivingFacility

Make sure to create the appropriate Trading partner identification such as Sending App ID, Receiving App ID , Sending Facility , Receiving Facility with values. However there is no mandate to use these Identifier as part of the Agreement like in case of Exchange Identifiers.

When B2B receives the incoming message it compares the value of SendingApp with the configured value of Sending App ID in the TP identification process for identifying the remote Trading partner.

It is also possible to use a combination of these identifiers and can be specified in the with comma seperated values.

e.g oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.hl7.identifyFromTP= SendingAPP,SendingFacility,ReceivingApp

Trading Partner Identification in HL7 Domain

Trading Partner Identification in HL7 Domain

Trading Partners are identified by default based on the Exchange. For MLLP based Exchange it is MLLP ID which is used for Trading partner Identification. It is possible to use IP Address (prefereble) or Host Name for the Idenfication.
Need to create MLLP ID as the Identification Type and use it as part of Agreement.

It is also possible to Identify the TP based on the payload attributes such as

a. Sending App MSH:3
b. Sending Facility MSH:4
c. Receiving App MSH:5
d. Receiving Facility MSH:6

Set the following property in

oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.hl7.identifyFromTP = SendingApp | SendingFacility | ReceivingApp | ReceivingFacility

Make sure to create the appropriate Trading partner identification such as Sending App ID, Receiving App ID , Sending Facility , Receiving Facility with values. However there is no mandate to use these Identifier as part of the Agreement like in case of Exchange Identifiers. When B2B receives the incoming message it compares the value of SendingApp with the configured value of Sending App ID in the TP identification for identifying the remote Trading partner.

It is also possible to use a combination of these identifiers and can be specified in the with comma seperated values.

e.g oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.hl7.identifyFromTP= SendingAPP,SendingFacility,ReceivingApp

Monday, November 12, 2007

Rosettanet Automated Enablement - RAE

Rosettanet Automated Enablement

As all of us are aware that the Rosetteanet standard is adapted heavily in the High Tech industry for addressing various business challenges. RAE is aimed at small to medium sized customer who has challenges in terms of lack of expertise in implementing RN stack, lack of complex infrastructure, complexity in nature, cost involved in it and the time to market. These challenges will make the mid-small customer not complying to RN standard thereby failing to do business with High tech Biggies even being compitative in the product line. RAE has great backing from Industry biggeies such as Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Motorola, Nokia etc. enabling the mid-small supplier to reap the benifit of Rosettanet

It involves,

1. Trip - PIP : through which it is possible to use XML tools availble in the market to define PIPs. Through this
it is possible to define multiple scenario.
2. Trip - PF : Presentation format for TIP-PIP , and is decided to be in PDF.
3. Trading partner will develop the TRIP - PIP and Implementors provide TRIP - PF
4 The Registry specification defines the requirements for posting and retrieving TPIR-PIPs and TPIR-PFs.

what RAE for a Supplier

Fill out various business related details using a PDF file and send it to RAE Implementors. PDF files has place holders for collecting various details which adheres to Trip- PIP schema. RAE Implementors inturn transform the PDF file content to PIP Schema and send it to the Trading partner having RN solution. In the reverse direction, when RAE implementor gets the PIP data , it transform it into Human readable PDF files and send it to the end supplier.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Comments/Feedback/ Request for New Post

Please feel free to Leave your comments, feedback or request for any Features in B2B which needs to be Explained. Please click on post comment section for the same.

I am officially part of

I am excited to be part of, where lot of people with various interest share their knowledge regarding Oracle products, implementations, customization, best Practice etc.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

AS2 File name Preserve Feature

In order to preserve the filename Between different Enterprise corresponding to Trading Partner Oracle AS B2B offers a filename Preserve feature as part of the AS2 Exchange Plugin offering. Please follow the below steps.

1.Apply the latest B2B patch.
2.Import the tutorial X12_seller_export.xml in the location $ORACLE_HOME\ip\tutorial\X12\config for Acme
3.Import the tutorial X12_buyer_export.xml in the location $ORACLE_HOME\ip\tutorial\X12\config for GlobalChips.
4.Edit the in the location $ORACLE_HOME\ip\tutorial\X12\runtime and add/edit the property name “actionName=”.
Eg. actionName=contentType:application/octet-stream;filename:abc.xml
7.Start the b2b server
8.enq_850.bat or sh (if OS is linux).
9.B2B will set the filename in the MIME body part i.e Content-Disposition (filename) as part of the AS2 Call..

Sending Application in the Host side should enque the filename (in the actionname AQ header ) as part of the Enque process to IP_OUT_QUEUE which is the default outbound queue provided by Oracle AS B2B. B2B engine will send the filename in MIME body part as part of the AS2 call. The receiving application should have the capability to intercept the MIME body part and obtain the filename.

If the receiving application is Oracle AS B2B it receives the message, extract the filename from the MIME body part and set it as part of the AQ header while enqueing the message to IP_IN_QUEUE in the same way as for outbound.

Even though AS2 does not mandate this filename, Oracle B2B offeres this feature for the benifit of Customer who are relying on filename for further processing.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Processing VICS document

Oracle AS B2B offers VICS support based on X12 Document Plugin.Please follow the below steps.

1. create the document guidelines for the VICS 850 & 997 from the X12 4010 guildelines rather than the VICS guidelines

2. create a group ecs file based on the one from the Xengine directory
that has the codelist for GS08 removed

3. create a protocol for version "4010VICS" (004010VICS doesn't work). specify the new group ecs from step 2 and install the 2 documents from
step 1 into it.

Sending 997 in BISAC23020 format

997 BISAC23020 format is similar to X12 3020,except for the version in GS08 segment.Please follow these steps.

1. create the document guidelines for the 850 and 997 from the X12 3020 guildelines.

2. create a group ecs file based on the one from the Xengine directory that has the codelist for GS08 in which replace 003020 with 003020BISAC2

3. create a protocol for version "3020BISAC2". specify the new group ecs from step 2 and install the 2 documents from step 1 into it.