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Monday, March 2, 2009

Transport Features - MLR7 - Oracle B2B

  • File/FTP/SFTP - Archive feature
  • File/FTP/SFTP - Marker Support
  • File/FTP/SFTP - File name preserve
  • FTP - Binary transfer type
  • SFTP Delivery Channel Configuration - Masked pass phrase
  • FTP - List and process in the same session
  • SFTP HA Mode - Closes in-active instance connections
  • Custom Exception Queue
Archive Feature

Supported Protocols: File, FTP and SFTP

  1. Enables the users to archive the files that are being processed by Oracle AS B2B
  2. Configurable feature in UI as part of Delivery channel configuration with absolute path of the directory where to archive the files.
Marker Support

Supported Protocols: File, FTP and SFTP

  1. This feature indicates successful processing of a particular message
  2. Once a message is processed, "0" byte file with same name gets created in the same folder
  3. Configurable feature in UI as part of Delivery channel configuration with the value of true/false
File name preserve

Supported Protocols: File, FTP and SFTP

  1. Incase of inbound, the incoming filename will be retained in B2B and handed over to backend application .
  2. Incase of outbound, the filename provided by backend application is retained while message processing and sent across to the trading partner.
  3. To enable this feature, please set the property "oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.FilenamePreserve=true" in The default value is false .

Binary Transfer

Supported Protocols: FTP

  1. There are two modes for file transfer, "ascii" and "binary"
  2. Selectively use the transfer modes for different delivery channel
  3. The Default transfer type is ascii

PassPhrase Mask - Private Key

Supported Protocols: SFTP

  1. Private key passphrase is masked in B2B delivery channel configuration
List and process in the same session

Supported Protocols: File, FTP and SFTP

  1. Some of the FTP servers (like ConnectEnterprise) have the mechanism of changing the alias name on a regular basis for the same file, so the file becomes non-existant for reading if the read and processing is in different session.
  2. Connect and read the files in a single connection, thereby reading all the files in a single session.
  3. When the cache connection is set to false, the B2B will connect and, read using different FTP Connections

Supported Protocols: SFTP

  1. While in High Available environment, it is important to close the connections on the inactive instances.
  2. B2B Engine closes the inactive instances to SFTP server appropriately .
Custom Exception Queue

Oracle B2B enque the exception messages to IP_IN_QUEUE with user as B2BERRORUSER and is always fixed. This feature allows the users to configure a custom queue to receive the Exception messages.

For e.g: if the communication mechanism with backend application is JMS, using the default IP_IN_QUEUE, with B2BERRORUSER might not be a feasible option.

Configuring the following can enable this feature

oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.CustomExceptionChannel=[internal delivery channel]

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