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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

File name Format TIME STAMP Configuration

External Partner / Host Channel: Outbound

Oracle B2B by default sends the outbound message with the naming convention as TPName_timestamp[YYYYMMMdd_HH_mm_ss_SSS]. There is a flexibility to configure the customized timestamp format as part of file/ftp/sftp delivery channel file name format configuration.
Creating the filename

Filename Format as part of transport protocol parameter:
%FROM_PARTY%_%TIMESTAMP[ddMMMyyyy_HH_mm_ss_SSS] %.dat

Example resultant file name would be,

The default time stamp format would be YYYYMMMdd_HH_mm_ss_SSS.

Basically the desired time stamp format should be provided in the square
brackets indicated below:

Note : This feature is supported in PS3 and back ported as part of PS2 BLR : 10128930.

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