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Monday, January 18, 2010

Generic EMail

These interesting features are available as part of Generic Email in Oracle AS B2B Integration (10g).

(1)Send payload as Email body
(2)Send payload as Email Attachment
(3)Send payload as Email body with attachments
(4)CC support

Send payload as Email body
This is a deafault behaviour, where the payload will be added as part of the email body. To achive this, configure the trading partner delivery channel property "Send payload as attachment" as "false". So the payload receiving from backend application will be send as Email body to the trading parter.

Send payload as Email Attachment
This feature enables the the payload to be set as an attachment. To achive this, configure the trading partner delivery channel property "Send payload as attachment" as "true". So the payload receiving from backend application will be send as Email attachment to the trading parter.

Additionaly the attachment file name can be dynamically configured through backend application by providing the ip/jms message header like below,


This feature is typically used when there is a large attachment.

Send payload as Email body with attachments

In this case the payload receiving from backend application will be send as an Email body and the attachment can be of any type based on the AttachmentDescriptor.xsd.

There are two modes in which an attachment can be provided.
a. inline attachment : The content that to be sent as an attachment can be part of the attachment file in the form of inline text

b. URL of the attachment file : The Physical location of the attachment file also can be given. This is beneficial in the case of attaching files which are large in size, OR images that are supplementing the payload. It is also possible to specify the encoding format with which to send the attachment.

CC Support :

The CC support provides the flexibility to the users to provide multiple recipients. This is similar to 'CC' option available in any of the mail clients

This is a newly seeded parameter "CC List". Configuring this field with a ";" separated recipient list in the delivery channel ensures the message gets delivered to all the recipients as a CC.

The above features available in MLR14 patch number: 9063100

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