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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Multiple Instances on the same box - RMI port conflict

Typically there is the RMI Port conflict when multiple instances of B2B are installed on the same box. Typically first instance will take the RMI Port as 5110 and hence the second instance is forced to take next available port which is 5111.

Even though this value is part of the same is not updated in the web application.

How To Address this problem

1. Navigate to /ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_B2B/applications/b2b/ip/WEB-INF. Take a backup of web.xml.
2. Identify the rmiport in the initParam, and edit the value to 5111 instead of 5110

In the web.xml file, alter the following



3. Make sure the same is reflected in using
oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.RMIPort = 5110

4. Restart B2B


Anonymous said...

To restart B2B, is that just bouncing opmn?

Ramesh Nittur said...

opmnctl stopproc ias-component=B2B

Anonymous said...

i am trying to run two instances in different homes on the same box, but oracle says that it is not supported even though the setup is in their documentation.

Also, I have tried your change listed here, but it does not seem to work for me.

Ramesh Nittur said...

It should work as it is tested configuration. Please give me the details about the setup and configuration..