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Friday, May 9, 2008

Oracle AS B2B FTPS setup

1. Create a self signed host certificate.

2. Import the host certificate into the wallet. Import the Trading partner certificate for FTP over SSL as a trusted certificate.

3. In the General Tab of host Trading partner , create the wallet password.

4. Point the wallet in the

FTP Delivery channel Setup ( Generic Over FTP)

5. Depending on the mode of data transfer i.e Active/Passive , specify the data port for Active configuration and no data port for passive mode. Control port is there for both the mode and by default B2B considers this to be 21, there is a need to
mention it for any deviation.

6. Receiver Channel Mask (Host) : Depending on whether No channel encrypted, data channel to be encrypted , Control Channel to be encrypted or Both control and Data channel to be encrypted specity none, Data, Control or Both accordingly.

7. Sender Channel Mask (Trading Partner) : Depending on whether No channel enrypted, data channel to be encrypted , Control Channel to be encrypted or Both control and Data channel to be encrypted specity none, Data, Control or Both accordingly.

1. "sender channel mask" - used only when B2B send files to ftp server. The value "Both" means both channels "Control" and "Data" would be encrypted.
2. "receiver channel mask" - used only when B2B pick files from ftp server. The value "Both" means both channels "Control" and "Data" would be encrypted.
3. The other possible values what yopu provide here are "None", "Control" and "Data". Hope, the values are pretty self explanatory.

FTPS Server Configuration. Download a FTPS server such as Filezilla and follow the below steps.

1. Create a 1024 bit certificate and point to the same.
2. Create a user and/or group with permissions to a folder.
3. Download FTPS client , and connect to the FTP server , accept the certificate after the first connection.
4. Exchange the messages.

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