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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Stacking Feature in B2B to handle the scheduled outage of Trading Partner

Use case

1. Should be able to configure the scheduled outage of a TP on the host.
2. During the outage, B2B should be able to store the messages without any processing and not error them out.
3. At the end of outage should be able to send the messages to TP in a controlled manner i.e batch mode. The batches can be defined either using message id or time range or it can be partner-wise

This Use case is handled by Quesing all the appropriate Agreement related to the Trading partner during the begging of the down time and is done by using public API.

java oracle.tip.configuration.ConfigurationManager -quiesce

and to reactivate the configuration at the end of Scheduled down time.

java oracle.tip.configuration.ConfigurationManager -reactivate

Resubmit :

InstanceMessageUtil is enhanced to get the instance messages based on Start time, End time , Agreement Name and status.

getInstanceMessages(String startDateStr,String endDateStr,
String agrmtName,String status)

This will provide all the messageID and the resubmission utility can be used in manual mode to resubmit all the messages.

Please note In case of a planned outage of the trading Partner, you can use the Stacking feature mentioned above, in which case B2B will not post the message to the Trading partner end point. If it is not a planned outage, it errors out in the transport layer

and you can use B2B in Auto/Manual mode to resubmit. HTH. Let us know.

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