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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Notification mechanism for MDN/FA time out

How would you build a notification mechanism for when you do not receive the MDN or FA from the trading partner ?

It can be achieved as below :


It is possible to enable the Retry by specifying Retry count/Interval for every messages, B2B time out the message after Interval+ Retrycount*interval and set the status of the message to ERROR and also sends a Error/Exception message to the Error Queue with B2BERRORUSER. Monitor the Error queue and send an Email notification based on Error code AIP-50903 for Timed out MDN.

FA :

Set the Overdue Acknowledgment feature to identify the timeout and send an Error/Exception to the Error Queue.

It is possible to monitor the Error queue and send an Email notification based on Error code AIP-50008 for Timed out FA.